English Hub

Levels of Support

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The DfE English Hubs programme sets out three levels of support for schools:

Intensive support

Intensive support lies at the heart of the English Hubs programme.

Partner schools will receive a maximum of nine literacy specialist days over two academic years (six terms) with a maximum of six days delivered in any one academic year.
The intensive support also includes close support and monitoring from hub leads and funding for training and resources.

Hubs have to prioritise intensive support above other elements of the programme.

English Hubs select partner schools. They must engage in the following activities and be judged by the Hub as suitable for intensive support:

  1. Attended a showcase
  2. Complete a self-assessment, including expressing an interest in becoming a partner school
  3. Complete an audit
  4. Select and commit to one specific SSP program and commit to and book their specific SSP training – if they have not received training recently.

Medium level support

Medium-level support can include any of the following:

  • Targeted support, CPD events and workshops which are targeted specifically at those schools who have not been selected as partner schools, but still require additional support. It can focus on any of the programme’s three aims (SSP, early language development and encouraging a love of reading) but it must address needs identified in showcase response forms and audits.
  • Engagement events, which can include workshops and conferences, delivered alongside other providers where appropriate, focused on any of the programme’s three aims. These events can include schools who have previously accessed the programme, however, can include new schools if the hub is content with need and capacity allows.

Light touch support

OPEN TO ALL Light touch support is for those schools who wish to attend the and receive the monthly Flying High English Hub newsletter.

Register for our monthly newsletter, email englishhub@flyinghightrust.co.uk

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