Children from Beeston Fields Primary and Nursery School join the action to look after their local environment

  • News
  • Posted on: December 2, 2024
  • Partnership: 敁珗辦畦

We want our community to be happy by being nice and clean and tidy! Maria, year 6 pupil

Children from Beeston Fields Primary & Nursery School have been supporting community efforts during Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) Awareness Week, in partnership with the local council and Nottinghamshire police.

The annual week of action seeks to raise awareness about what constitutes antisocial behaviour and demonstrates how the public can effect change in their own community.

Children and staff from the school carried out their litter pick in Beeston town centre, -an effort which Year 6 pupil, Maria, was happy to join.

Maria said, I think the litter pick was a great idea because it is important that we pick up our rubbish. Litter is not good for the environment and can be a safety problem. We want our community to be happy by being nice and clean and tidy!

In all six children took part in the clean-up, alongside a school governor, staff members, and representatives of Nottinghamshire Police. Rubbish was carefully collected using litter pickers into bags for appropriate disposal.

Cathy Jackson is Family Support Worker at Beeston Fields Primary and Nursery School and said children were keen to help. It was an amazing opportunity for Beeston Fields Primary & Nursery School to work with the Council’s Communities ASB Team and Police during Antisocial Behaviour Awareness Week and Partnership Day. The children loved taking pride in their community and helping to make it a cleaner place for everyone to enjoy.

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Photograph: Beeston Fields Primary & Nursery School children clean up their local environment.

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