Chesterfield’s Hollingwood Primary School celebrate Ofsted success!

  • News
  • Posted on: November 21, 2024
  • Partnership: ҹ첥

‘…behaviour and conduct of all pupils is exemplary.’ Ofsted 2024

Chesterfield’s Hollingwood Primary School is celebrating Ofsted success following its latest inspection in which pupils’ behaviour is described as ‘exemplary’.

The report says that the school has ‘improved significantly across all areas since the previous inspection.’

Inspectors said that pupils are proud to be members of a ‘caring and supportive community’, going on to say, ‘Pupils achieve well from their starting points because the curriculum is well-suited to their needs.’

Highlighted in the report are the strong relationships the school maintains with parents and carers, quoting one parent who said, ‘This school is a blessing. The children thrive every day.’

Mr Chris Stewart is Headteacher at Hollingwood Primary School, and he said, “The Ofsted inspection was a really positive experience and we’re over the moon about the outcome.  It is just reward for the hard work and dedication of our fantastic staff team who go above and beyond to ensure our children get the best possible education.”

The report highlights the school’s LEGACY values, which it says underpins the curriculum, stating, ‘Its ambition is to ensure that each pupil receives a high-quality education centred around their individual needs. The curriculum is broad, ambitious and links to pupils’ next stages in education. As a result, from their starting points, all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, achieve well.’

Reading is a priority at the school with an emphasis on developing early language and targeted support for children who require additional help. The school has rich resources to encourage a love of reading for children which inspectors say, ‘…ignite the imagination of pupils and provide them with opportunities to understand different cultures and periods in history. Every day, the pupil librarians take pleasure in reading these books to their younger peers.’

‘The school has ensured that staff are provided with high-quality and ongoing training to deliver the school’s curriculum,’ says the report, ‘As a result, teachers’ subject knowledge is very well developed.’

Pupils at Hollingwood are praised for being attentive and diligent during lessons meaning learning time is ‘rarely interrupted’, and behaviour of all pupils is described by inspectors as ‘exemplary’.

Jessica is a Year 6 pupil at the school, and she said, “I am really pleased with the outcome because I know how amazing this school is and now everyone else knows too!”  Year 5 pupil James, agreed saying, “I feel incredibly proud to be part of Hollingwood and so lucky to learn in such an awesome place.”

Pupil Nora, is in Year 4 and said, “Hollingwood is a wonderful school and I’m really grateful that everyone is so kind!”

Inspectors said children get off to a great start at the school, commenting, ‘In the early years, staff use every opportunity to focus on language. Pictures and symbols support children who are at the very early stages of communication. Clear routines and expectations mean that children play and learn in a calm and positive environment.’

The school’s efforts to develop the whole child are recognised with inspectors saying, ‘Pupils access a broad and carefully crafted enrichment and personal development programme. The school provides many opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills and to hold positions of responsibility. Pupils fulfil these roles with pride.’

The arrangements for safeguarding at the school are effective and the Governors, with the school’s trust, The ҹ첥, are noted for their ‘…sharp and thorough oversight of the impact of the school’s actions. The challenge and support they provide ensures that the school’s development in all areas of its work is focused on providing the very best for every pupil.’

Headteacher Chris Stewart said, “Our children were fantastic ambassadors of the school throughout the inspection, -just like they are every day.  They’re a real credit to their families and to this school and we’re very proud of them.”

Behaviour Hub

Photograph: Deputy Headteacher Miss Lois Clarke and Headteacher Mr Chris Stewart pictured with children at Hollingwood Primary School in Chesterfield.

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